The New Year begins with a blank slate on which we can set new goals and challenges to make the coming year even better than the last. As a family coach and learning specialist I always think about building family relations and student success.With the onset of free time […]
The Kindle Paperwhite is easy to use and distraction free— no pop ups, emails, IM’s, or shared photos.
Follow these few easy steps to make exam preparation easy and successful.
1.Large month at a glance calendar
2. 7 pocket accordion pleated file
3. 5×7 weekly planner
How to Avoid Holiday Stress: Advise all guests to park grudges outside the door List foods to be served on the refrigerator door Plan a family game Make seating arrangements in advance & note with place cards Have take home containers available for leftovers. Thanksgiving is a time to share with family […]
A student has 20 vocabulary words to learn for homework before each weekly test. Each week the student struggles to memorize the words, but has yet to receive a passing grade on the tests. What can students do to be more successful, and better yet, own the words for their comfortable vocabulary usage? […]
This time of year high school seniors are well into the college application process. And underclassmen are feeling the pressure to build good resumes in preparation for their turn through this process. After reading the article in Monday’s, November 9, Washington Post, “Hey, colleges: Care about my grades, not my […]
Too often students complain about the unfair loss of points on tests and papers because of failure to follow directions. While oral directions may be more difficult to remember than written, ALL directions must be followed. Here are a few tricks to assure all directions are followed and full credit […]
Many students often disrobe as they enter the house at the end of the school day. The backpack falls to the floor as they run to the fridge for snacks and a trail of belongings follows their path as the after school hours progress. The “Where’s my…?”
The easiest method and best tool for test preparation is the Cornell Note Taking Method (CNM).