The 3 Essential Tools for Student Success

  1. Large month at a glance calendar
  2.  7 pocket accordion pleated file
  3.  5×7 weekly planner aptitude_test

By this time in the school year, you may have replaced your student’s binder at least one. The rings fail to close correctly and that unnecessary zipper, if there was one, is broken. Papers are loose and many have been lost. I am often called to the rescue about this time of year. Parents complain their student is disorganized. Papers are lost, assignments are late, and work on longterm projects is falling behind. What can be done to rescue this student?

Years ago, when my own children faced these same issues, a wise guidance counselor shared these immortalized words, “Organization is the key to success.” No matter how innately wise, or how high one scores on SAT tests, without organizational skills, the road to success may be impeded by hurdles of disorganization. Students who learn to use these three simple tools are no longer plagued by lost papers, incomplete assignments and long term project anxiety.

Essential Tools:

academic20calendarA large month at a glance desk calendar should be placed in an easy to  view student work space. Record all activities,
assignments and appointments as soon as they are known.

43be5fcf-26da-41e7-8b89-1f1d66443d8b-_cb320242288_A 7 pocket accordion file should replace the three ring binder. It is a fast and easy storage method for those who struggle with unzipping binders, turning to the correct section divider and working around broken binder rings.


Use a 5×7 weekly planbook showing one week at a time in a 2 page spread.
This design  leaves enough room to write daily 158882assignments and fits nicely into the accordion file.

Of course purchasing these simple tools is only the first step. Once they are in place, they must be used consistently. Sometimes this takes some practice and follow-up support, but success breeds success and results have assured me this works.

Please let me know how this works for you.

Best of luck!

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